Saturday, March 11, 2006

To Wear or Not to Wear, That is the Problem...

I believe majority of my sisters in my species will agree.  A bra is quite uncomfortable to wear at times, and we're like eternally stuck to wearing it. Not that I totally loathe the idea because it's fun and sexy most of the time...those black lace ones I love, those fabrics that enhance you or the ever loyal supportive kind that hugs snuggly for physical action like dancing and working out.  And oh, those hot ones that feel so good being peeled off by someone else hehehe. But I must admit that I am totally revolted by those tightly wired ones and those that short of squeeze the life out of you. (Yesterday, I "de-boned" one of my expensive ones. But then, it didn't look nice).  So, isn't it "OH SOOO LUV-LEY!" to walk about, run around, or "bounce" about like all of a sudden you feel a cool breeze around you like you've never known before. I personally would prefer to go commando (the female version) at times, if only they don't attract that much attention...Oh well. All you sisters who agree with me, raise your right........(hand).

1 comment:

Peppy said...

AGREEEEEEEEE….couldn’t agree more!! It happens to me too…all the time…

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