Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Hookie at Hookie Lau

Christmas Rush in April. This is what it feels like. I can give Cirque Du Soleil's Kooza juggler a run for his money. Except that I'm really not skillful at this. My pins fly everywhere, or they stay put where they have fallen. Which is pretty much all over the place. Baby plans. Baby Plans. Real estate affairs. Real estate affairs. Family and friends who need my attention -- try to throw a flare up the sky, bright lights tend to attract me. It's crazy. If there's anything pathologic about it, it is my quote/unquote attention deficit (LOL) that makes me function real effectively only in linear paradigms; the same one that exacerbates with multiple stimuli -- a noise barrage of some sort for my serenity-hungry soul which makes me want to curl up in fetal position on learned helplessness mode or simply go wacko wanting to shoot everyone with big tapioca balls from a pink fat straw (ooops, where did that come from?). I try hard (sometimes) and still suck big time.

Last weekend, we flew to LA. This weekend, we're driving to LA. The weekend after that, we're flying to PI! That leaves the weeknights for some last minute tasks (weekdays being devoted for tying loose ends at work before my vacacion grande and writing stupid blogs on breaks). I've so far played hookie at hula for two classes in a row (what!? me missing hula classes?) but it's all worth it. In exchange, I have tackled piles of laundry  -- the Mt. Everest of laundry! -- getting them all ready for our trip. I've shopped here and there for things to bring, but alas, my love-hate relationship with shopping has come back haunting me from the grave (I love retail therapy but having to look around too much burns me out during activity level #86 where I start sliding to being a "list and get it quick, really quick!" person -- again, this stimuli thing). Let's see how I'll hang for the next couple of weeks. I browsed through my past posts and realized that being busy has been a recurrent but always incidental theme. When I come back, I do intend to change the song. Seriously.


Here are some good things that keep my spirits high lately, in other words, flowers to smell along the jagged path:

1.) 90210 back to back re-runs while sorting through mail, doing the bills, folding the laundry and making home-cooked suppers. Hubby and I are hooked!

2.) Wire sculpture and wire-wrapping. I'm so obsessed with it. I think one day, I can really claim to be a bonafide "artiste" (not the drama queen type). I've always wanted to be called an artist but didn't know at which art to deserve the title. (Eureka! That explains my cave days! I'm an ARTIST! I'm jumping-clapping my feet-saying heeheeheehaahaahaa-YES! My creative juices overflow at times I want to be alone and just keep creating). And the best compliment I got for some pieces I did?: "Are you in weed or something?" NO, caffeine is my drug of choice. Next to 90210. Thank you.

3.) My sister's wedding. And seeing my family. And friends!

I miss you all.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

La Vie En Rose

Memories are pictures of the heart. Here's another casual but special moment I need to take note of. Forgive me for the cheesiness, it's because moments like this is all I can savor for now.

Last night, I had a good casual long distance phone conversation with Daddy. As what we'd always do, we talked about my youngest brother Milo (THE DOG hehehe); we talked about what he has been busy with, the new tiles in the bathroom, his plans for the week; he asked about my new hobby -- wirecrafts/wire art sculpture which I'm so hooked in; most of all, we talked about the new piano pieces he's learning.  We share a common passion for art and piano music and he's always excited to tell me about his new pursuits. His next project is called "La Vie En Rose" and he tried to hum it for me. But just like me, he can't sing. He couldn't even remember the melody at first. I searched online while we were on the phone and played the file for us. I started humming it and he was so happy that I found it.  That got the melody coming back to him and he started humming it with me. Again and again. It was a pretty sight, except that I couldn't see him.  I closed my eyes and tried to let every note sink in. Then we got cut off.  I desperately called back, annoyed that my moment with dad was bummed out by a fluctuating voice over IP signal, actually, I was more afraid that I had lost the moment. But when he picked up, he started humming again. Like he didn't want to lose the moment with me too. When I was still living back home, he would always play the piano for me or I would try to help him tackle difficult music sheets. Last night's phone call assured me that the connection is still there despite the distance. And that we both want to keep it going. It was really nice and comforting. It was really, really special.

He always manages to take the stress out of me. He always manages to make me feel so good without having to do much. See you soon, Daddy. I'll be watching you play.

Monday, April 14, 2008

It's Not a Coincidence

About three weeks ago, my stepdaughter flew here for a visit over the weekend.  We had so much fun that on Sunday afternoon when she was about to fly back to LA, we were scurrying toward the airport check-in counter like nuts. Hubby was so stressed out. We didn’t want her to miss the flight. On the outside, I was as serene as a windless sea, on the inside, I was saying 3,008 different prayers all at once at probably an imaginary 200 decibel scream level. It was partially my fault anyway. It’s always fun to have her around. And the security check queue! How could we have forgotten that almost everyone else was flying out in the peak of spring break? Here was the scenario:

Fifteen minutes to scheduled departure

The security line snaked tenfold.  Hubby and stepdoe went to the line. I was left behind at the main lobby since the airport had to limit the number of adults accompanying minors to the gates due to the thickness of passenger traffic that day. They were still about fifty yards away (well, maybe a little less) from the x-ray machines where shoes, jackets, belts, keys and other gizmos need to be taken off, in a line that was inching forward perhaps only 5 yards every 5 minutes. 15 minutes until take off. You do the math. I couldn’t look at them. It was torture to see them stuck in line.  I couldn’t look at my watch. It was, after all, a futile race. I just kept praying, and praying and praying that they make it to the gate…that she doesn’t miss the plane…that it wouldn’t disrupt her step dad’s schedule, that she won’t miss school yada yada yada, while trying to deflect my ensuing panic by looking at Angelina Jolie and Britney Spears on some magazine covers at the newsstand. 

Five minutes AFTER scheduled departure

I just got myself a cup of coffee by the baggage claim when I got a text message. It was hubby, “D FLIGHT S DELAYD. SHE WIL MAKE IT”.

It’s not a coincidence. 

I might sound too self-absorbed to even think that it was my faith that did it. But sorry, it really makes sense to me.  God granted my wish even before I finished praying for it! The universe conspired, so it seemed, to make my wish come true-- transcending beyond the boundaries of linear time.  The flight has probably long been delayed by the captain, the flight attendants, the mechanics, the air traffic control, without us knowing it. Way before we scurried like nuts to the check-in counter. But we didn't know that. 

Don’t you notice?

This happens to us most of the time, don’t you notice?  We pray so hard for something even if as it eventually turns out, the answers have long been ready. It simply unfolds at the right time, in our human time. The wish is granted before the wish ever comes. In our world, our mind works and likes to interpret things in accordance with the laws of “time in succession”; cause before effect. To me and my strange scheme of things and in a deeper and rather philosopical reckoning, the logic or rationale behind events that happen MOST LIKELY DEFIES THIS (ergo: cause before effect OR effect before cause--it doesn't matter, backward, forward OR at random shots, anything is possible).  Why do we need to pray then if things seem to have been pre-destined? No, I seriously don’t think that things are even pre-destined at all.  God orchestrates this mystery of gargantuan proportions with different purposes beyond our understanding. To marry up philosophy, theology and psychology might be beyond my cerebral limits. But one thing I believe I’m getting at, in a rather simple perspective is God encourages us to experience and enjoy the different colors of life through events that happen in our lives and to paint a beautiful picture that is actually in our hands, with the aid of Divine guidance and intervention when necessary ---after all, God never leaves us alone especially in very trying endeavors.  He makes us realize what we want given our own unique selves and to stand up for what we want the most and rejoice at getting them ---or even appreciate NOT getting them, even as an afterthought.  He wants us to develop an appreciation of life, and in effect guides us in writing the most beautiful life stories ever told.  He makes all these possible by giving us the gift of FAITH. It is faith that, to us, moves mountains and does other grand and extra-ordinary things like stop airplanes from taking off to make way for someone dear, one single person amongst hundreds. Faith is like the background music to each dance of life.

I should be thankful now then.  I should consider all my prayers, wishes, my deepest yearnings granted now. It’s only a matter of time.  “People-time”.

Dear Miss May Ann,

Hi there. I miss you. I miss those days at The Medical City. In our Shrink Cubes. You are one of those who listen really well...not just someone I just need to (always) listen to.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Of speed and stoplights

It's been three weeks since my last post that hopefully made sense and I'm feeling a bit rusty already. Not that I have sharp writing skills to begin with *wishful thinking* but you know what I mean. Gee, I'm so blocked out! My life is on fast forward mode again, with the upcoming trip to Philippines, my new assigned tasks at work (more dough=more sweat, how did I not consider that? but okay, I'd rather have it that way), and some other things that leave me questioning, "where hath all my minutes gone?"

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Laugh Therapy!

It's not the first time I'm re-posting one of these here. They always crack me up.

Have fun reading! And I hope you laugh. I hope you laugh...

1) Run one lap around the office at top speed.

2) Ignore the first five people who say 'good morning' to you.

3) Phone someone in the office you barely know, leave your name and say, "Just called to say I can't talk right now. Bye."

4) To signal the end of a conversation, clamp your hands over your ears and grimace.

5) Leave your zipper open for one hour. If anyone points it out, say, "Sorry, I really prefer it this way."

6) Walk sideways to the photocopier.

7) While riding in an elevator, gasp dramatically every time the doors open.


1) Say to your boss, "I like your style" and shoot him with double-barreled fingers.

2) Babble incoherently at a fellow employee then ask, "Did you get all that, I don't want to have to repeat it."

3) Page yourself over the intercom (do not disguise your voice).

4) Kneel in front of the water cooler and drink directly from the nozzle (there must be a 'non-player' within sight).

5) Shout random numbers while someone is counting.


1) At the end of a meeting, suggest that, for once, it would be nice to conclude with the singing of the national anthem (5 extra points if you actually launch into it yourself).

2) Walk into a very busy person's office and while they watch you with growing irritation, turn the light switch on/off 10 times.

3) For an hour, refer to everyone you speak to as "Bob."

4) Announce to everyone in a meeting that you "really have to go do a number two."

5) After every sentence, say 'Mon ' in a really bad Jamaican accent. As in "The report's on your desk, Mon." Keep this up for 1 hour.

6) While an office mate is out, move their chair into the elevator.

7) In a meeting or crowded situation, slap your forehead repeatedly and mutter, "Shut up, all of you just shut up!"

8) At lunchtime, get down on your knees and announce, "As God as my witness, I'll never go hungry again."

9) In a colleague's DAY PLANNER, write in the 10am slot: "See how I look in tights." (5 Extra points if it is a male, 5 more if he is your boss)

10) Carry your keyboard over to your colleague and ask, "You want to trade?"

11) Repeat the following conversation 10 times to the same person: "Do you hear that?" "What?" "Never mind, it's gone now."

12) Come to work in army fatigues and when asked why, say, "I can't talk about it."

13) Posing as a maitre d', call a colleague and tell him he's won a lunch for four at a local restaurant. Let him go.

14) Speak with an accent (French, German, Porky Pig, etc) during a very important conference call.

15) Find the vacuum and start vacuuming around your desk.

16) Hang a 2' long piece of toilet roll from the back of your pants and act genuinely surprised when someone points it out.

17) Present meeting attendees with a cup of coffee and biscuits, smashing each biscuit with your fist.

18) During the course of a meeting, slowly edge your chair towards the door.

19) Arrange toy figures on the table to represent each meeting attendee, move them according to the movements of their real-life counterparts.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Top Ten

Top Ten Things in my mind at this very moment:

1. The Jollibee Chickenjoy and Spaghetti dinner I just ate.

2. The Jollibee Chickenjoy and Spaghetti combo again for tomorrow's lunch at work. Yippy!

3. We finished one tahitian dance in class tonight for the upcoming ho'ike. I'm gonna miss it though since I'll be in PI! (Good thing, I'm still not coconut-bra worthy)

4. My new projects at work. These have been consuming me lately I'm tempted to work even on coffee and lunch breaks. That makes me the SQUARE ASIAN NERD. Loosen up, gurl, before your co-worker throws the stapler at you...

5. The lost files! How can I recover some of the files I lost this afternoon. I hate doing the same things all over again...

6. The grand vacation in PI this May. Two weeks...only two weeks.  Bummer. Better than nothing. Pritson, here I come!

7. Anthony Bourdain on TV. FRANCE. I'll see you soon. Oysters for breakfast. Wait, did I hear that right?

8. Last weekend. Busy. This coming weekend. Busy. When will I ever be NOT BUSY???

9. Clothes for pick-up at the drycleaners tomorrow. And perhaps a lil shopping at South Shore. Hmmm. Let's see how I can pull that off. We've been kinda...uhrm, uhm...hella...broke lately.

10. Obviously I don't have much to say lately. Ergo, this list. I've had too much to do at work these past days I can't even post anything decent here. I don't even have time to trim my bangs in my cubicle anymore. Hahaha.

Til next time. When I have the time. *SIGH*

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