Tuesday, February 05, 2008

The Wifeyteria Chronicles: A-dow-bow

Foodie’s doing the dance of joy! I made pork asado last night.  Actually it’s Batangas adobo with a twist =  manila adobo =  asado for Batangueno’s like moi, potatoes and all!Adobo

And we had leftovers to bring to work, woohoo! I reckon I can’t keep pretending that I’ll survive on wheat thins and coffee for lunch all week so I packed me some rice and asado, uhrm, adobo today.  It’s one confused dish, I know, but it’s hella yummy!

I decided to eat lunch at my cube too (laziest…).  When I opened my lunch box, a colossal whiff of garlic filled my area. I normally get self-conscious about these things amongst my sandwich and salad eating co-workers but I’d rather fill their nostrils with garlic (or anchovy…or shrimp paste aka bagoong!!!...or any pickled whatever --no, not really) than pull my butt off my chair and head for the lunch room (actually, my shift coincides with the president’s, and he eats in the lunch room…and I don’t have anything interesting to tell him; if I say something nice I might be a Kiss-A$$, if I say something bad, I might earn me a spot in the bad guys list, if I talk about the weather, I might sound too boring. I get too worked up on very trivial things do I… er,  I just don’t feel like it! that’s why)

Monica just had to barge into my cube to give me some of my favorite sugar-free dark chocolates from Trader Joe’s for dessert. I Garlic asked her if she smelled the garlic and she politely said, “Don’t even worry about it, if it does, I’m sure it will smell appetizingly good”.  Good ol’ Moe… I told her what I was eating, and promised her a small pot next time.  If I told her to have some today, I know she would have some.  She always shares with me all these organic, fat-free, sugar-free doohickeys she comes up with.  Maybe next time.  I’m really hungry today. Greedy, huh!

By the way,here’s some “HOT" ADOBO 4 U.Click on!

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