Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Sunday Choir Lady

It seems that 1 of every 5 people I bump into has the “smart a$$” blood running in his veins. What gives? They are either spewing “smart A" remarks at people or, inundating the world with “hello, duh, what were you thinking?” insults, seemingly believing that they are perfect, godly creatures out to ridicule the less perfect mortals. For instance, I overheard a not-so-pretty woman comment on a not-so-pretty woman (same boat! gee…) but with disheveled hair to a crowd of twelve, “can somebody phu-leez donate a hairbrush to her???”

I’m not like that. I may be witty in my writings but I’ll make fun of myself before I am even caught attacking people in reckless mockery. I’m not perfect. Well, who is?


Last Sunday at church, either the “smart A$$” factor has truly rubbed off on me, or the devil was at work (again?), perched on my shoulder. OR MAYBE THE CHOIR LADY WAS REALLY JUST SINGING OFF-KEY!@#$%*&@#!  Alas! I finally realized why for one Sunday too many, it always felt that something was always horribly NOT going right. She has a good soprano-ish voice, yes, but most high notes fall flat. She must have a penchant for singing second voice all-throughout!!!  My unquenchable rage formed into a ball that I wanted to throw at her when I saw how she would occasionally slave-drive, direct and correct the choir members. (I figured this one furtive sneer I caught from a choir member some months ago wasn’t totally unfounded).

Or maybe it’s just me. Okay, my ears are off-key.  !?@#$%!&*@!

But yeah, she’s doing her best. She’s doing her best at what makes her happiest. How can I oppose that? And she’s serving God and God’s people. Plus her sweet smile oozes with unwavering dedication to the church. How can I go up against that?

I love to write and I love to dance. Though I’m not exactly the best there is, I’m over the moon when I do them.

What if someone says I simply can’t?

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