Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Jets

What title should I give this blog? Beats the hell out of me. Hahaha. So okay, The Jets it is. Unless you come up with something better.

It's past midnight and my hubby and I just got home! Weehee!!!  We've always been out lately.  For some reason it feels like we're boyfriend-girlfriend again -- except for some weight gain and occasional body aches (dang, are we getting old!!!).  He played softball (which I couldn't bear to watch now because it gets too cold out there already -- how could these guys keep on playing without freezing up on the field?!?) and so I went out shopping with my cousin Ate Shelly and my friend, Flo.  On the way home, Al let me listen to the new songs his co-worker uploaded on his iPod, stuff I didn't have in mine.  He's got some 80's music that totally waxed me nostalgic for a minute...Boy George and the Culture Club, Debbie Gibson, The JJ Fad (remember Supersonic?).  What else do you remember? Then I found The Jets' "Make It Real" and started singing out loud. HE STARTED SINGING WITH ME -- something you wouldn't get often, hahaha...never mind the off-keyness of it all (either he's actually just second-voicing or he's really just cut out for rap). LOL. Then he started changing the lyrics and making fun of me in the words and that made me sing louder to drown his voice, which ofcourse made him sing even louder.  We kept doing it to each other until it felt like our eardrums were gonna break and the car was gonna get sick of us, throw up and shoot us out in the middle of the freeway.

It's one of those moments that some feel-good movies are made of.  And I won't forget it. We're really moving on.  We will never forget the son we lost, nor the day we lost him. But at least we're not dwelling in the bottom anymore.  Life goes on.   

And I still don't know what title to give this blog.

Advanced Merry Christmas, everyone! Life is good, isn't it?

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