Monday, August 04, 2008

Wanna hear something funny?

Okay. So I ended up pulling my husband’s hair (not the sexy kind) like one wicked and enraged witch the other night (AARRRGGGHHH!). IN MY SLEEP.

I had this dream that someone I knew who’s always been so stubborn and never respected my words and feelings in the past has dunnit again! And if I used to be patient, understanding and tolerant with her, I certainly was the exact opposite in my dream.  Talk about suppressed feelings!  Aggressive and revengeful tendencies! In my dream, I was so frustrated I started yelling at her (YES! finally, after all those years of torment!) then I grabbed her thick wiry hair and started pulling it (like in an overly-dramatic soap opera with flames almost churning out of my nostrils).  GGGGGRRRRR!!!!! ARRRRRGGGH!!!! It was almost cathartic. Aaah, the pleasure of finally letting the floodgates loose!

Man_tearing_his_hair_out_1Then suddenly, I woke up because my husband shook me.  He had this big astounded and bewildered look in his, make that thunderstruck ... stupefied...flabbergasted...PETRIFIED... as he nervously chirped, “What the hell did you do that for?” I was pulling hard on his hair with such adrenaline-powered grip and his eyes were as round as golf balls.  Oh the poor innocent sleeping thing...

It was hella funny.  I ended up laughing my way back to sleep.  Maybe I should start seeing a therapist for a sleeping disorder (aggressive tendencies in dreams) hahaha or for some minor problems while fully awake (suppressing anger and stuff).  Nah, I prefer to transcend and stay calm.  Too much drama makes one ugly and sick.  Besides, I must admit I enjoyed that hair-pulling drama and I'm not about to let that go *LOL*.

I still can't stop laughing! Hell, yeah!


"Compassion and tolerance are not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength." - Dalai Lama

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