Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Wifeyteria Chronicles: Something Fishy

Okay, so the beefsteak made out of rock cod fillets didn’t quite work. 

Foodie (hubby) threw a fit.  He came home from a hard day’s work…I grumped him out by REFUSING to drive my BMW –after he had put a lot of work on it (just because I’m so scared I’ll scratch it, curb it…or creatively find new ways to “hurt” a car with it…WIMPO!), short of saying, “I want to crush hubby’s feelings, I’ll let the garage use it for a long, long time.”  Duh!

Okay, so here’s how the rest went.  Foodie went straight to the kitchen with Chefie (me). Foodie checked out what’s for dinner.  And Foodie saw the fish slices lounging on the pan, submerged in sauce with onion rings, pretending they were beef.  (Hey, I truly had no intentions of deceit, oh common now!) I just thought an occasional healthy substitute wouldn’t hurt – has anyone ever tried eating Tanuigue Steak back home? That’s what it was! It’s a legit dish in every right!!!

So Foodie threw a fit.

Let’s put it this way. 


Foodie doesn’t like fish.

No, Foodie HATES fish. 

And Foodie HATES store-bought frozen fish.

Maybe Foodie wants FlyfishChefie to go a-fishing before each crooked plan to shove a fish dish down his throat. 

So Chefie told Foodie, he could eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

If he could please let her eat her fish dinner, in peace.

Then Foodie ended up starving.

But hard-headed Chefie wouldn’t budge an inch.

So upset Foodie ended up eating Chefie’s fish dish.



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