Saturday, May 06, 2006

The Dog ate my Homework

We are all too familiar with this excuse.  For us, it may just qualify as a unique line to tell our teacher if we have forgotten to do our homework---this, alternating with "I must have left it in the bus",  "my mom thought it was trash" or "it must have teleported from my backpack to planet Mars".  But a teacher would know.  We're probably only a few of the zillion people who thought of that.  And we all know only fools will believe. So,it still pays to be honest and tell the truth.

But yesterday, I caught the dog chewing on my paperwork before the printer even finished spitting the whole thing out.  And so I remembered this over-used lie. I just thought it was kinda funny.  If I were still a student and were to explain the truth---dog ate my homework, then no one will believe me.  I'll probably have to say "Oh, it spontaneously combusted out of the blue". Just when you want to tell the truth, then you would have to lie.

*wow, how profound is that! duh, what's going on with me these days*

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