Friday, November 07, 2008

Dr. Karim

One of my favorite clients, Dr. Karim, called two weeks ago while he was in one of those trade shows that the nutraceutical company I work for always joins.  He said he expected to see me there. Unfortunately, I am a mainstay in the office. Though I would be interested to travel to different states and have fun meeting different people, doing luncheons, power-dressing, swapping business cards and practically jetsetting...I've done that before and I'm happy with my life here in my cube, blogging on my coffee breaks and swapping cheddar, salami and crackers with Monica *burp*.  I did hear some horror stories regarding crappy hotel accommodations.

Anyway, Dr. Karim, as I later found out from our representative, has put in some good words about me. Our rep said there was no way anyone can pry him away from his business relationship with me. I'm just really happy because I have been really nice to him.  And in my heart I know I can't take all the credit because the more I ponder, the more I realize that it was primarily because he had been really nice and putting all his faith in me first. If he had been irritating and distrustful, I wouldn't have been as motivated to deal with him. We normally develop an aversion to annoying and stressful stimuli. But he has been trusting and easy, there's no way you'd want to hurt that. I probably will never see him in person, he's in Florida and I might not be qualified ever at all to represent this multi-million company even in the least anticipated trade show of our nature. But that was a huge pat on my back that he did. It should be a pat on his back for an attitude well done.

We usually reap what we sow. It's true that random and cosmic bad things still happen to good people, but the general theory is we still court better chances in society if we play our cards well...and that is by trying to do the right things all the time. That includes also paying back and paying forward the right things that have been done to us, with the others paying back and paying forward the right things that we have done to them. It's an interactive chain reaction of good deeds, not the bad.

Doable, right?

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