Friday, December 11, 2009

My Gratitude Journal



I just started a Gratitude Journal.

You may check it out at

I’m only on Day 4 and there isn’t much yet. But it’s amazing how by having a Gratitude Journal, you wake up in the morning and start your day already expecting good things to happen. It’s like you’re launched into the day with a mission to spot and recognize what’s good, no matter how stressful some days could be.

With last night’s Christmas shopping, I am thankful that I can finally feel the spirit of Christmas after being caught up in a flux of ultra-lows caused by I call them two-faced monsters posing as “good” and “wise” but are really out to breed “rapacious imbeciles” out of others…poor thang - pun unintended, and instigate the destruction of yet again, some others. And if that doesn’t sound grim enough, try that with the presence of a two-three-four-faced kiss-toosh whose loyalty is worse than any known polygon in the universe. Poor hubby. But I was raised not to wash dirty linen in public so that’s about everything I’m going to say. I’ll spare you the meandering gory and horrid, nerve-wracking and gut-wrenching details. There’s always a lot of reasons why people do things anyway. Maybe there are some reasons and information that I am just not aware of (so that makes me totally wrong about my feelings on this), OR maybe there are people who are really born that way, with murky souls meant to challenge peace at all times (then with that, I’ll be right about my feelings on this). Well, can’t choose familial affinities (to put that lightly). 

Story of our lives. This is the last time you’ll find me mentioning that.

I just needed that tiny dose of therapy which is a catalyst that brings me to this moment…thank you very much…where I’m officially upping my “gaming skills” to a higher level, and where I, as the main protagonist will be so over the Mushroom Kingdom, leaving flattened Goombas and Koopa Troopas retracting into their shells, surviving the main antagonist Bowser’s forces and so close to rescuing Princess Toadstool (Or Princess Peach — if you still don’t know what I ‘m talking about, then you haven’t played a single Super Mario game in your life, have you?). Despite the advent of PS3s and what nots, I’m still stuck to Mario and Luigi. I digress.

Hubby and I are floating along merrily down river bliss, minding our own affairs and celebrating joy in every little thing that happens.

Like being able to put up our own t-shirt business online — with a promise of more colorful designs and gizmos to come (I’m waiting for Santa Claus to give me that design software I’m wishing for), 

having my writing side job/s — the therapy that pays me (and buys my whims) hahaha,

that pair of tall salt and pepper grinder/shakers that hubby picked instead when I took him out shopping after I received my Christmas bonus and where I had actually expected him to go after outrageously pricey gun parts or some gizmos pertaining to a stereo surround sound system however the geek squad calls it…

Aaron, my co-worker who madly waves goodbye at me every afternoon at the parking lot, with a big smile on his face, and more than half of his huge body sticking out of his tiny car’s window (what a joy to see),

Monica making me a ham, cheese and egg muffin for breakfast this morning as she usually does on Fridays (even if the ham tasted kind of iffy today hahaha),

then my sister soon to give birth in less than a month,

and knowing that my parents are coming over for a visit in a few months! It’s about time to breathe some fresh air — pure, kind, selfless and loving souls, I mean.

I just want to wish everyone a very merry Christmas, holidays filled with love and cheer,

and peace, happiness and gratitude all throughout the coming year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really good sharing this.

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