Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Altogether now: "Today is Wednesday. It's a sunny day!"

-- written for Coffee, anyone? --

Hi there! You miss me? *LOL*

It's been a while since I've written posts that are in the league of people's favorite posts in my site.  Some of you will know this (well, if you've been exploring my OTHER sites...), I've had some strange health concerns recently, but no worries! I'm still as crazy and adventurous as ever. And my life is as hilarious too! I just thought I'd write some updates before people forget that this site even exists, hahaha.

Here goes:

First of, it seems that my blog's Google PageRank "PR" score or whatchamacallit has sympathized with my biorhythmic patterns lately.  It has dropped from a super-duper-calooper "4" to *ding* ZERO! As in zilch. A whopping duck's egg...That's what I get for not blogging enough. Or yeah yeah, too much link-hardselling.  I needed the moolah, what can I do?


I'm okay. Am I doing something about it? NO. Why? I don't know...  Bleh.  That means less writing jobs too. And I'm not sure why I'm feeling a little joyful. Coming home without writing tasks to accomplish is truly a delightful prospect. But well, we need the extra dough so I'll fix it soon.  I'd better...

My internet presence hasn't been as much as it used to be, especially on this site since our IT guy at work updated our firewall. The odd thing is, I can get into Bravenet and write (like what I'm doing right now), but I cannot see the final output because my blogsite is banned. And so are the rest of your blogsites... I've lost my groove to some extent since then. Blogging but not being able to read it immediately? Coitus interruptus no less (pardon my allegory). It just isn't as orgasmic , er, consummating, uhm...satisfying as before.  I just like to see my blog entry in final form right away and make the necessary changes if need be.

Suffice it to say, I've been doing more non-virtual tasks now and it's mentally uplifting. I've also taken a month-long leave from hula dancing and it's amazing how one extra evening spent at home makes an ocean of difference. However, it's also amusing how a sudden change in routine can make one severely disoriented  -- especially in the knowing-what-day-it-is department. Today, for some strange reason, I truthfully didn't know what day it was!!! Yes, I love fridays and weekends, but that doesn't mean I should forget what goes on between them.  And so I had to consult my calendar and then...I didn't know what date it was! Har-har-har! It's Wednesday today. Wednesday. Wednesday. It's a sunny day. Wednesday. Wednesday.

We're busy! Hecka! (as if we've never been ever...!?)  Hubby volunteered his services to "cater" yes, CATER, for their company's annual family picnic. He and his buddy were disappointed last year with the catering services and the quality of food served that they felt they needed to intervene. So, Batman and Robin to the barbe-rescue! I'm supporting him all the way since I know that this is one of the things he's been dreaming of. I'm scared and shakin' and hopin' that everything will turn out well,  prayin' that the food will be cooked on time and will be enough for everybody, no salmonella poisoning whatsoever, no hair swimming around (perhaps I should keep my distance hahaha), and none of 'em undercooked, rubbery and iffy morsels.

We're going to Costco with hubby's friend tonight to buy the supplies for our impromptu catering business. We're used to preparing for a banquet because we entertain a lot at home (sometimes too much) but for a party of 150? God help us...   Hubby said he's doing it for "reputation" -- as he knows it in his heart that this is only the beginning of his NEW career *LOL*, and the "money" comes second -- as he knows it in his heart that all of it is going to me. *LMAO*

And yes, I'm self-studying some Italian. I want to speak Italian! And after so much vascillation and debating whether I should keep trying to learn French or give up on it totally (my tongue has given up a long time ago) and pursue Italian instead (I wrote about this not so long ago), I have decided on the latter for so many valid reasons.

So...uhrm......uhrm.....Vive bene, spesso l'amore, di risata molto!(Live well, love much, laugh often). Beautiful isn't it? Que bella!


My friend just shot me an email today asking me, "what will make you happy this instant?"

It took me a while before I could answer (with some bedraggled symphony of dreams and aspirations e.g. have a baby, lose weight, stay healthy -- no scary mammogram results, take care of my parents, win the lotto to be a stay-at-home wife, yada-dada...yada-dada...)

On second thought, it took me a while because I couldn't come up with an adequate answer. I just couldn't!  It's like, well, I'm very content at this point and I couldn't ask for more. I'm happy with the way things are. I still feel blessed despite some obstacles and challenges that are beyond my control. My life isn't perfect but whose isn't?

I'm just grateful for each day that comes (even if I don't know what day it is, hahaha).

Does that mean I'm already happy?

You know what? YES.


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