Thursday, March 13, 2008

Lenten Thoughts

Cross_2         I never fully understood the concept of “sacrifice”, the whole theology of it and everything, although I practiced it without question all my life being raised as a Catholic. What I knew was that it is a way of thanking God and showing Him my love.  And that at some point our chosen “sacrifice” may benefit someone in need, which is the main thrust of Christianity.  Some would even add that we might get some blessings in return for our offering.

Until one sunday’s homily at St. Barnabas’ clarified it for me.  I learned that above all else, the act of sacrifice “puts us in union with Christ in His suffering on the Cross.” It makes us one with Him; it nourishes and fosters our loving relationship with Him as when we do things to cultivate our other personal relationships.  It is a form of “COMMUNION” – a spiritual unity with Christ, in His act of giving His life to save us.

I have learned that the Season of Lent, where we traditionally make these little sacrifices, gives us the opportunity to remember and have this special communion with Christ.  It is when it’s no longer about us nor our own sufferings in this world. It is all about His suffering and death on the cross.

It speaks of this love greater than all the loves on earth put together, a love beyond understanding.  What can we do to let this Great Love in?

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