Monday, December 19, 2005

Bi-aaaatch in the Prayer Room

While I was raging upset, I considered this, I'm having second thoughts about it.  I don't feel a thing anymore, but I still want to prove the point. Oh well, it's this part of me that just doesn't back down on people with an attitude. I may be nice, but I enjoy putting someone to his place when the situation calls for it. Watch out!

Okay, so I started my secret birthday get-away in the prayer room.  I was so excited to pray and spend the first hours of my birthday with God, that I forgot the rules! (Take off your shoes in the Prayer Room, before the Blessed Sacrament).  So there I was oblivious to the world when a fat old lady (sense my feelings here? hahaha) approached me and said in a really loud and arrogant way "you know, in the prayer room, you take off your shoes. Take that off. Even I do that. Even Priests do that...Look at me...I do that...yada yada yada".  Ofcourse I knew that, I just completely forgot.  But she could have said it in a nicer way.  She sounded like she's the mean fashion police in there and even more kingly than the One we were actually praying to. Imagine a religious woman who leaves her prayer chair in the middle of prayer just to bitch around. ("Our Father who art in heaven, holy be....wait, here's some bully material.....give us today our daily bread..."). Exactly how we imagine that "Mrs. Know-It-All, Old Lady Mean Mother Butler of the Church" stereotype. I did what she told me to do but I wasn't in the mood to be meek that day. She made me feel so stupid on the most sacred day of my life.  Like I didn't know anything about the Church (Excuse ME!). Like I was some ignorant Paris Hilton copy who was bound to pluck eyebrows on Holy Ground. And I am nothing like that!  (It's not my fault that I look gorgeous hahaha *jk*, and I'm certainly no dumb belle). So, she thought she scored a point on me when she went back to her seat to say the rosary (dang how these women can be rude one second, and pretend to be an angel on the next breath...) Good thing I had my journal with me. I tore off a page and wrote her a letter. (I would have approached her but I wasn't going to create a scene among those who were there praying and not caring about other people's shoes). I explained that she shouldn't have done that and should have said it in a nicer way instead, as a woman of the church blah blah blah...,that she did sound like she was the only child of God who knew everything in prayer....blah blah blah,...and that I'm very sorry for it, not to her, but to God.  God probably wouldn't even have cared if I was wearing the shoes which my hubby calls Hooker Boots (for Role Play ;P *jk*). Hehehe. So I stood up, and handed her the letter.  I was bent on teaching her that she should stop being arrogant in her ways and I was out to prove that she was wrong about her impression of me. Normally, I wouldn't have cared.  But this woman had to learn her lesson...

First, she should know that there's always a nicer way of saying even the ugliest of things. Not really sugar-coating them but I call it "Breaking it to me gently" style.  What if she did that to a depressed and suicidal kind of person who came to the prayer room as his last resort, how would that person feel being short of kicked out of the House of God? She's also a regular in church, her behavior should reflect the teachings. Maybe that's why some just turn their backs on the Catholic Faith. It's the people that represent it. Well, I'm not about to digress into a dissertation on the Effects of Swell-Headed Mother Butlers on Catholics. Well, on the other hand, MAYBE I WAS JUST OVER-REACTING :o) .  I think so...haha. Because it happened on my special day. But then again, someone has to put her to her place eventually and I took the liberty of being the one to do it.  Everyone is fighting their own battles.  I had my own set of concerns to pray for and certainly, I didn't need someone like her pushing me out of momentum. Well, maybe she was that way too because she's fighting her own battles. (a severe case of constipation?) Then I'll just try to understand as well. On hindsight, I probably should have remained meek and patient. But then again, I usually choose my cases.

After I gave the letter, I felt better and was able to concentrate on my prayers. At least that's the ony bad thing that happened on my birthday. Nothing is perfect anyway. That old woman almost made me walk out on her, but then, I would have walked out on God too. And the devil would have won that day.  No way.

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