Tuesday, February 02, 2010

My Parents


I’m happy to receive an emailed scan of the Lifestyle page from the Philippine Daily Inquirer. It’s a pleasant surprise to see my parents’ photos from a benefit. And an uncle, an auntie and some cousins there. I’m just happy to see them. Or am I grateful that they have some worthwhile activities to distract them from the unspeakable sadness brought about by us children being too far away? I hate it when an acerbic thought like that bursts my bubble, especially since my heart is always at two places at one time and my body can’t physically fulfill it. If it is only feasible, I’ll do so in a heartbeat. Everyday. So meanwhile, let me rest in the thought that I’m happy and thankful to see my folks in the papers. Although nothing beats being physically there FOR them as they grow older. (Uh-oh, here it comes again!!!)

Okay, I’ll stop right now and just bask in the moment….the “kewlness” of it. =)

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