Friday, April 03, 2009

What! It's Friday again!?!

Days travel in the speed of light these days. It's Friday again! The weekend is always a welcome treat that we always look forward to. Perhaps, that's why the days seem to whiz by like bullets these days. The week is reduced to nothing but a mad scramble toward another weekend.

Maybe we shouldn't look forward to the weekends too much then. The cumulative rush brings us to a future that we usually find ourselves not ready for yet. Kids growing up too fast, old people getting even older (and then we resist the thought of them succumbing to illness and death), important and memorable events with loved ones soon being over, projects finished, another one started...our lives leaving us in restless wonder, where have all my days gone?

So instead of spending time spinning like anxious dogs chasing their own tails, let's slow down and start drinking in the cosmic serenity of the present moment. Every step we take (what's the rush?), every breath, every empty second. Stop and smell the flowers. It's been a cliche because it has proven its legitimacy through time.

Perhaps I should start enjoying, milking every second and maximizing my Mondays.

Let's not rush into the weekend. Because in so doing, we might end up not as parched for a weekend respite after all.

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