Tuesday, April 07, 2009

My Peter Pan

- originally posted in Coffee, Anyone? as a commercial post, duly edited to take out the commercial value -

My hubby's  excited he'll be turning 40 soon. If I remember correctly, I never even heard him say 39 when asked.  First it was 36...then 37...then 38...and then "I'm turning 40."

It's quite amusing hearing this young spirit chatter away like that. He's looking forward to aging! But that's a good sign. I know he's going to age gracefully and embrace the rust that will appear with time (including mine).

He's even got frames picked for future eyeglasses that he doesn't even need yet. He's too obvious in pushing the idea too, like complaining about a haze around images at night, or even dry itchy eyes (for prescriptions? try again). I think he's trying his darnest to sport some spectables as a form of 40-ish dashing debonaire fashion statement.

Then, he came home from a doctor's appointment once and was so darn proud of the inhalers and other breathing paraphernalia that he came home with. "I have bronchitis and I think I have asthma too!", he announced like it's a big milestone, laying them all out on a tray lined by a clean white towel in the bathroom, while doing a hilarious rendition of the cabbage-patch dance.

He embraces signs of being imperfect and weak but not to a point of trying to pull off a self-fulfilling prophecy. In fact, you can see that he struggles to prove otherwise.

I love his attitude! He's now even opening up to trying some of my beauty regimen to take care of his skin like my Oil of Olay Regenerist wipes and my secret to flawless skin facial foam wash. Far from being metrosexual still, but assuring me that he's starting to take care of himself no less.

I am also amazed at how dedicated a family man he has become. I flinched one time when his cousin tried to be cool by saying,"That's why I'm not married yet, so I don't have to ask permission from anyone if I want to buy something...and I can do whatever I want, whenever!".  Someday, dear, you'll grow up too.  Hubby still falls for toys for the big boys (those expensive Rolexes, guns and Beamers) but holds back in view of his priorities. He has gained my respect for that, especially when I know he wants them so bad.  He said he doesn't get affected if people sometimes kid him about not wearing the pants. The truth is, we are a team and he wants to wholeheartedly give his share to this very special team. I think it radiates from a sense of FINALLY being happy and whole.  You can't give yourself to anyone if you are still searching for parts of your missing self to begin with. He respects my opinions as much as I respect his. He even said one time, "I have found my ultimate purpose in life, and that is to keep my family happy. My girls, most especially" -- that means my stepdaughter and me.  That's why I'd like to give him the world as much as I can too. It is a mutual thing.

This chicks-of-the-past's former Peter Pan has finally grown up.

And this Peter Pan has chosen to grow old with me.

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